This short report aims to assist you in getting lower premiums. A few methods exist to assist you in lowering your motor insurance for drunk drivers yearly costs. Some involve finding the right companies to get quotes from although other methods take place over a longer period and take some time to reduce the price of your cover. Some of the methods will not work for you but if you a searching for motor insurance for drunk drivers we are sure that you will learn some important nuggets of information.
Subjects that this report will present are how to pay for your premium, types of cover, motoring club discounts just to name some of the topics.
Tip I Are named drivers required? The costs of naming a driver that is not your common law partner or spouse varies between 10 to 20 percent. If the drivers are younger than 25 years old then the costs will be much higher. The trick is to name only those that will actually drive. Sometimes if the person you need to name has their own vehicle they will have the driving other cars extension anyway so could drive you motor on a third party only basis. Depending on the value of your vehicle third party cover may be satisfactory or not. Instead of naming a driver permanently you can add them temporarily part way through your insurance year.
Tip II The best way to pay! The best way to pay for your car insurance is to pay with a one off payment. Unfortunately one way in which brokers and direct insurers make extra profit on motor insurance for drunk drivers by charging interest for direct debit payments. Paying in one lump is not always possible so if not then pay in one lump on your credit card. In most cases the APR on the credit card is less than that of the insurance provider.
Tip III Drive a smaller car - Big engines are harder to control and cost more to replace so driving a car of this kind costs more to insure. One way then to reduce the costs of your motor insurance for drunk drivers is to find a low insurance group car.
Tip IV Do not fall for high pressure sales tactics! Once your insurance renewal comes through start to shop around for quotes, don't leave it too late. Make a list and ring or submit your details online to a minimum of 4 motor insurers. Price comparison sites can be used to pick the most competitive brokers or direct insurers. Although price is important so are other factors it is important to write the features down and compare them along with the prices.
Tip V Advanced driving! You may also get a premium reduction of your motor insurance for drunk drivers is by taking extra driving tuition. If you are a new driver then the pass plus is a good way to reduce your insurance costs. Lots of insurers now give substantial discounts if first time drivers have the pass plus. Topics the course covers are all weather driving, driving on dual carriage ways and driving out of town. Other courses that can help older drivers are the IAM institute of advanced motorists or the and ROSPA.
What are the next steps?
Once you have completed the suitable tips from above read on. For motor insurance for drunk drivers we recommend you visit this site Young Learner Drivers Car Insurance
Damian is the owner of many finance related websites. Including mortgage, loans and debt advice. For more information visit
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