Online motor insurance quotes can save you a great deal of time, effort and money when looking for cover. You may think that because you got a great deal on your car insurance last year it makes sense to stay with your provider. However, while this might be true, a lot can happen in a year and usually the cost of your motor insurance will have changed. Just because you got the best deal possible then, it does not mean you still will now.
By using a car insurance comparison website, you can shop around dozens of insurers to find the right insurance deal for you.
Getting a good deal
Online motor insurance quotes are based on many different factors and if you are aware of what they are you could make adjustments where possible in order to reduce the cost of your policy.
One of the many things to consider is your excess level. All insurance providers require that you pay a standard excess in the event of a claim. This is the amount that you would be liable for before the insurer pays out. However, you can choose to pay a voluntary excess which could knock down the cost of your motor insurance.
Is your car as safe as it possibly can be? A car that has no alarm or steering lock fitted will be seen as easier to break into. If you park it on the roadside this could be seen as another attraction for thieves. By fitting basic security, such as an immobilizer or tracking device, some insurance providers will give you a discount on your car insurance. The same can also sometimes apply by keeping your car safely parked in a garage or on a private driveway.
If you want to get even cheaper online motor insurance quotes and do not plan on using your vehicle to travel a lot then you could consider taking out insurance with limited mileage. This is where you state a maximum amount of mileage that you would travel in your car during the year. This could be a good way for two car households to make savings if one main vehicle does more mileage.
Another consideration is whether you are a 'niche' customer. There are many insurers out there who will offer motor insurance based on a specific type of person such as women drivers; younger motorists and the over 50's. If you fit in to one of these categories, look for policies aimed at you as you can often make substantial savings.
Finally, safer drivers get cheaper online motor insurance quotes than those with penalty points and other driving offenses on their license. Driving carefully will also help protect your No Claims Bonus. Keeping within the speed limits, turning off your mobile phone and not jumping the lights can keep the cost of your car insurance to a minimum. It's also worth mentioning that for a small additional fee added to your policy you can protect your No Claims Bonus. This enables you to keep your No Claims Bonus in tact - even if you are forced to make a claim.
Liz Willder is from, the insurance comparison site where you can compare car insurance policy features and prices.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Thursday, 18 June 2009
How to Save Money on Cheap Car Insurance
Life, it seems, is one continuous cycle of spending.
Mortgage, council tax, gas bills, pensions, road tax, TV licence, telephone bills, MOTs. The list seems endless. It’s a wonder that we’ve got any money left over for the things that we enjoy.
Most of the bills we have to pay don't leave us with any choice; it's a set fee and non-negotiable. But there are some things that we have a degree of control over.
And, thankfully, motor insurance is just one of those things. By searching around the plethora of different companies and policies that are available you should be able to get a deal to suit your budget.
But there are also ways of saving a little bit more cash and ensuring yourself an extra cheap car insurance deal. And Duck2Water Car Insurance Services have revealed how to do it, betraying a few industry secrets to give you the low-down on bagging some cheap car insurance.
Start off by clearing all the old junk out of your garage, making enough room to squeeze your car in. A vehicle parked in a garage is so much less likely to be stolen or vandalised than one left on the street and a car insurance company will recognise this, giving a significant discount.
If there’s no garage available then the driveway still beats the street but do make sure that you get hold of a decent steering lock and, if possible, invest in an immobiliser too.
Arrange to go on an advanced driving course where you'll learn a few extra little skills. It may seem a big hassle, especially if you’ve just passed your test, but motor insurance companies put a big value on courses such as Pass Plus, and as a result you should save a few extra pennies. As well as that, you’ll learn some valuable driving skills that are definitely going to come in handy somewhere down the line.
However much discount you’re going to be able to negotiate, your car insurance is still going to cost a fair bit. It’s tempting to spread the cost of the payment out over the course of a year, but if possible, try and pay it all up front. Most motor insurance firms charge a fairly high rate of interest, so if you really can't afford to pay the lump sum, see if you can borrow the money more cheaply somewhere else.
If your car is getting on a bit, consider buying third party, fire and theft cover instead of fully comprehensive. If you drive a bit of a heap then think about whether your car is worth the extra premium that you'll pay to get it comprehensively covered. You'll still be insured against any damage that you cause to another vehicle or person and you’ll receive the whole value of your car if it happens to get stolen or burnt out.
Shop around for a quote; don’t just buy from the first company you come across. Try different combinations of options that are available to see what the best price you can get is. And if you do find a cheap car insurance quote that you think sounds good, tell another company and give them the chance to undercut the price. After all, they're desperate for your business and so should be willing to knock off a few pounds to have your custom.
Most importantly, buy your car insurance online. High street insurance firms aren't worth dealing with as they won’t have a chance of matching an online quote. An online firm, on the other hand, has got lower overheads so can afford to cut the price right down and give you a bargain.
Following these few simple guidelines is a guaranteed way to save a few quid and get a cheap car insurance deal.
Author: Simon Jacobs, Duck2Water Car Insurance (
Mortgage, council tax, gas bills, pensions, road tax, TV licence, telephone bills, MOTs. The list seems endless. It’s a wonder that we’ve got any money left over for the things that we enjoy.
Most of the bills we have to pay don't leave us with any choice; it's a set fee and non-negotiable. But there are some things that we have a degree of control over.
And, thankfully, motor insurance is just one of those things. By searching around the plethora of different companies and policies that are available you should be able to get a deal to suit your budget.
But there are also ways of saving a little bit more cash and ensuring yourself an extra cheap car insurance deal. And Duck2Water Car Insurance Services have revealed how to do it, betraying a few industry secrets to give you the low-down on bagging some cheap car insurance.
Start off by clearing all the old junk out of your garage, making enough room to squeeze your car in. A vehicle parked in a garage is so much less likely to be stolen or vandalised than one left on the street and a car insurance company will recognise this, giving a significant discount.
If there’s no garage available then the driveway still beats the street but do make sure that you get hold of a decent steering lock and, if possible, invest in an immobiliser too.
Arrange to go on an advanced driving course where you'll learn a few extra little skills. It may seem a big hassle, especially if you’ve just passed your test, but motor insurance companies put a big value on courses such as Pass Plus, and as a result you should save a few extra pennies. As well as that, you’ll learn some valuable driving skills that are definitely going to come in handy somewhere down the line.
However much discount you’re going to be able to negotiate, your car insurance is still going to cost a fair bit. It’s tempting to spread the cost of the payment out over the course of a year, but if possible, try and pay it all up front. Most motor insurance firms charge a fairly high rate of interest, so if you really can't afford to pay the lump sum, see if you can borrow the money more cheaply somewhere else.
If your car is getting on a bit, consider buying third party, fire and theft cover instead of fully comprehensive. If you drive a bit of a heap then think about whether your car is worth the extra premium that you'll pay to get it comprehensively covered. You'll still be insured against any damage that you cause to another vehicle or person and you’ll receive the whole value of your car if it happens to get stolen or burnt out.
Shop around for a quote; don’t just buy from the first company you come across. Try different combinations of options that are available to see what the best price you can get is. And if you do find a cheap car insurance quote that you think sounds good, tell another company and give them the chance to undercut the price. After all, they're desperate for your business and so should be willing to knock off a few pounds to have your custom.
Most importantly, buy your car insurance online. High street insurance firms aren't worth dealing with as they won’t have a chance of matching an online quote. An online firm, on the other hand, has got lower overheads so can afford to cut the price right down and give you a bargain.
Following these few simple guidelines is a guaranteed way to save a few quid and get a cheap car insurance deal.
Author: Simon Jacobs, Duck2Water Car Insurance (
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Cheap Car Insurance Quotes Online: Factors That You Should Know
You should find it easier to get cheap car insurance quotes online than offline, due to the way that the internet makes it very easier to compare different auto insurers. However, to get the cheapest possible automobile insurance policy available there are factors that you should know about and apply to each company that you approach.
The first secret in getting cheap car insurance quotes
is to make sure that you provide the same information to every car insurance company. If you do not, then you are not comparing like with like, and the comparison is not a valid one. The easiest way to do this is to check out what each asks for on their online quotation form. Each of the auto insurance companies will provide you with a quotation form to fill in online, and this will contain a number of basic questions. Check out each one and make a note of the questions asked.
Then compare them all and make sure that the same information is being provided to each. Thus, if one company asks whether or not your car is garaged overnight, and others do not, then provide that information to these others voluntarily so that you are giving them all the same information. Generally, however, you will find that they are pretty similar, and ask basically the same questions.
Write down the answers that you provide in the first auto insurance form you complete, so that you don't forget and end up providing different information to each company. This is easier to do than you might think and it doesn't take long to make a note of the answer to each question. Most will be simple to answer, but questions such as how long it has been since you last made an auto insurance claim can sometimes be easy to give different answers to. So write them down: make a list of your answers, and also make a list of factors that you think might help you to get a cheaper auto insurance quote.
In fact cheap car insurance quotes online are considerably easier to get if you understand the factors that affect the price, and there is long list of them. The list is too long to cover comprehensively here, but we shall discuss some of those that you should be aware of. The time since your last claim has already been mentioned, and the longer the better. You should get a good no claims discount if it has been at least three years or so since your last claim.
However, you must make sure that your facts are correct since if you get it wrong it could be very costly. Your insurance could be invalidated if you exaggerate your claim-free period. The same is true of any of the information you have to provide, which is another compelling reason for making sure that all your facts are correct and compiling everything into a list. That is the best way to make sure that you don't make any costly mistakes.
Another factor in reducing the cost of your car insurance is safety: the more safety features on your car then the lower the auto insurance rates. Most car insurance companies will have a standard price for certain models and years based on the standard safety features, but if you have added something to make it less likely that your passengers will be injured in a collision then your premium could be reduced slightly. Similarly with security features: if your car doesn't come with an alarm system but you have added one, then you might have something deducted from the price of the insurance.
If you are insuring your son or daughter many companies offer cheap car insurance quotes online if you put them on your auto insurance policy rather than buying them a separate policy. You can do this for three or four years and if they have had no accidents then they will eventually be able to get their own policy cheaper.
Other factors include whether or not you have your home insurance or your life insurance policies with a particular company: they might be prepared to arrange your car insurance at a lower rate since you are already a customer. Or you could offer to switch your other policies to them if they provide you with a good discount on your car insurance policy. All of these are reasons for auto insurers to reduce their standard car insurance premium price, and we haven't even talked about the options such as collision coverage and personal injury protection yet, and then there is the deductible that can also be used to lower the cost. Any insuring agreement has to be less costly if you increase your deductible.
There are many more factors than the above that will enable you to get the best possible deal, and if you know how to go about it, and are consistent in the information you provide to the various companies, you should be successful. Another secret is to choose the companies that you intend to use carefully and get a cheap car insurance quote from as many as possible. The internet makes it easy to compare a large number of insurers, and you should also be able to get help from price comparison and review sites.
If you follow all of this advice then you should not find it difficult to get cheap car insurance quotes online. So fire up that computer and get going - you might surprise yourself and get that uninsured motor vehicle covered at a very low price.
The first secret in getting cheap car insurance quotes
is to make sure that you provide the same information to every car insurance company. If you do not, then you are not comparing like with like, and the comparison is not a valid one. The easiest way to do this is to check out what each asks for on their online quotation form. Each of the auto insurance companies will provide you with a quotation form to fill in online, and this will contain a number of basic questions. Check out each one and make a note of the questions asked.
Then compare them all and make sure that the same information is being provided to each. Thus, if one company asks whether or not your car is garaged overnight, and others do not, then provide that information to these others voluntarily so that you are giving them all the same information. Generally, however, you will find that they are pretty similar, and ask basically the same questions.
Write down the answers that you provide in the first auto insurance form you complete, so that you don't forget and end up providing different information to each company. This is easier to do than you might think and it doesn't take long to make a note of the answer to each question. Most will be simple to answer, but questions such as how long it has been since you last made an auto insurance claim can sometimes be easy to give different answers to. So write them down: make a list of your answers, and also make a list of factors that you think might help you to get a cheaper auto insurance quote.
In fact cheap car insurance quotes online are considerably easier to get if you understand the factors that affect the price, and there is long list of them. The list is too long to cover comprehensively here, but we shall discuss some of those that you should be aware of. The time since your last claim has already been mentioned, and the longer the better. You should get a good no claims discount if it has been at least three years or so since your last claim.
However, you must make sure that your facts are correct since if you get it wrong it could be very costly. Your insurance could be invalidated if you exaggerate your claim-free period. The same is true of any of the information you have to provide, which is another compelling reason for making sure that all your facts are correct and compiling everything into a list. That is the best way to make sure that you don't make any costly mistakes.
Another factor in reducing the cost of your car insurance is safety: the more safety features on your car then the lower the auto insurance rates. Most car insurance companies will have a standard price for certain models and years based on the standard safety features, but if you have added something to make it less likely that your passengers will be injured in a collision then your premium could be reduced slightly. Similarly with security features: if your car doesn't come with an alarm system but you have added one, then you might have something deducted from the price of the insurance.
If you are insuring your son or daughter many companies offer cheap car insurance quotes online if you put them on your auto insurance policy rather than buying them a separate policy. You can do this for three or four years and if they have had no accidents then they will eventually be able to get their own policy cheaper.
Other factors include whether or not you have your home insurance or your life insurance policies with a particular company: they might be prepared to arrange your car insurance at a lower rate since you are already a customer. Or you could offer to switch your other policies to them if they provide you with a good discount on your car insurance policy. All of these are reasons for auto insurers to reduce their standard car insurance premium price, and we haven't even talked about the options such as collision coverage and personal injury protection yet, and then there is the deductible that can also be used to lower the cost. Any insuring agreement has to be less costly if you increase your deductible.
There are many more factors than the above that will enable you to get the best possible deal, and if you know how to go about it, and are consistent in the information you provide to the various companies, you should be successful. Another secret is to choose the companies that you intend to use carefully and get a cheap car insurance quote from as many as possible. The internet makes it easy to compare a large number of insurers, and you should also be able to get help from price comparison and review sites.
If you follow all of this advice then you should not find it difficult to get cheap car insurance quotes online. So fire up that computer and get going - you might surprise yourself and get that uninsured motor vehicle covered at a very low price.
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Motor Insurance On The Water
If you have a car, you have insurance for it, but you may not have insurance for other things that are of value. If you enjoy your weekends on a boat, Jet Ski or other motor operated water craft, you are definitely going to need motor insurance for them as well.
This motor insurance is going to protect you from any damages that might be the result of your negligence, any accidents and so on. Getting motor insurance quotes for boats and other watercraft is going to be more difficult than getting them for cars, but insurance is important to carry on your boat even when your boat isn’t in the water.
When you are getting motor insurance quotes, the insurance agent is going to probably check to make sure that your boat is properly registered and has the right tags on it. A lot of people probably have let their registration lapse, not spending the time to go to the county tax office to update the registration and pay the fees to operate the boat. After the boat is registered and you have a list of possible motor insurance rates that you could buy, you are going to want to look at each of the quotes individually.
There is more to buying motor insurance for a boat or a jet ski than just choosing a cheap motor insurance policy. Sure, boat insurance shouldn’t cost a lot of money, but you may not just want to choose the company that offers cheap motor insurance in lieu of good service.
Once you found a motor insurance policy that you are comfortable with, you can go out and have fun in your boat. This insurance is going to protect you against theft of your boat, any accidents that happen, and any damage that happens. You may think that nothing can go wrong when you are speeding along the smooth water of the lake or river, but you would be surprised. Motor insurance is going to protect you against a waterskiing accident where the water-skier hits a stick and ends up breaking his or her leg. Without this insurance, you may end up paying the medical bill yourself.
There are a lot of problems that can go wrong with boats. For example, motor insurance is going to help you if your boat gets stolen or if it sinks to the bottom of the lake. In fact, you should check your policy and see whether or not your motor insurance includes rescuing. A lot of time, if you run out of gas, get stuck somewhere or need the coast guard to rescue you from your sinking boat, they will charge you a fee to do that. Your insurance can help defray the cost of a sea rescue
Motor insurance doesn’t just refer to cars, which means that if you have a boat or other watercraft, you are going to want to make sure that you are properly insured. Even if your boat isn’t in the water, you are going to want to make sure that your investment is safe by getting it insured for storage. Boating can be a fun hobby, but without insurance, you are risking a lot.
This motor insurance is going to protect you from any damages that might be the result of your negligence, any accidents and so on. Getting motor insurance quotes for boats and other watercraft is going to be more difficult than getting them for cars, but insurance is important to carry on your boat even when your boat isn’t in the water.
When you are getting motor insurance quotes, the insurance agent is going to probably check to make sure that your boat is properly registered and has the right tags on it. A lot of people probably have let their registration lapse, not spending the time to go to the county tax office to update the registration and pay the fees to operate the boat. After the boat is registered and you have a list of possible motor insurance rates that you could buy, you are going to want to look at each of the quotes individually.
There is more to buying motor insurance for a boat or a jet ski than just choosing a cheap motor insurance policy. Sure, boat insurance shouldn’t cost a lot of money, but you may not just want to choose the company that offers cheap motor insurance in lieu of good service.
Once you found a motor insurance policy that you are comfortable with, you can go out and have fun in your boat. This insurance is going to protect you against theft of your boat, any accidents that happen, and any damage that happens. You may think that nothing can go wrong when you are speeding along the smooth water of the lake or river, but you would be surprised. Motor insurance is going to protect you against a waterskiing accident where the water-skier hits a stick and ends up breaking his or her leg. Without this insurance, you may end up paying the medical bill yourself.
There are a lot of problems that can go wrong with boats. For example, motor insurance is going to help you if your boat gets stolen or if it sinks to the bottom of the lake. In fact, you should check your policy and see whether or not your motor insurance includes rescuing. A lot of time, if you run out of gas, get stuck somewhere or need the coast guard to rescue you from your sinking boat, they will charge you a fee to do that. Your insurance can help defray the cost of a sea rescue
Motor insurance doesn’t just refer to cars, which means that if you have a boat or other watercraft, you are going to want to make sure that you are properly insured. Even if your boat isn’t in the water, you are going to want to make sure that your investment is safe by getting it insured for storage. Boating can be a fun hobby, but without insurance, you are risking a lot.
Monday, 13 April 2009
Check Out Motor Insurance Brokers For The Cheapest Deals On Car Insurance
Car insurance varies from provider to provider and of course you will want to get the best and cheapest deal when it comes to insuring and getting your car legally on the road. One of the cheapest ways of insuring your car is to go with motor insurance brokers; they can scour the internet for you and deliver you quotes quickly, finding you the most suitable and the most competitive quotes.
Before getting your quotes you have to decide what type of insurance you wish to have and this will depend on your circumstances and other factors such as the value of your car. An old car wouldn't perhaps benefit from having fully comprehensive insurance and a brand new car of course would require that you did insure it for fully comprehensive.
Fully comprehensive is the dearest type of car insurance but again a motor insurance broker will be able to get you the cheapest quote if this is the type of insurance that you want or need. It will cover against damage to yours and any third party's car and also includes fire and theft insurance. The majority of policies also include medical and health insurance.
Third party fire and theft will protect your car against damage by fire and if it stolen and also for others claiming against you if you should be involved in an accident.
Third party insurance only will cover against others claiming against you if you should be in an accident and is the cheapest form of car insurance. However, any damage caused to your vehicle by yourself will not be covered by third party insurance nor third party, fire and theft cover.
Checking out motor insurance brokers is the best way to get the cheapest deals on your car insurance as they are the experts and instinctively know where to look when it comes to getting the cheapest deals. If you want to help cut down the cost of your car insurance before applying for the quotes then install such features as car alarms, immobilizers and take advanced driving lessons, all of these can help to reduce your quotes with a motor insurance broker.
Before getting your quotes you have to decide what type of insurance you wish to have and this will depend on your circumstances and other factors such as the value of your car. An old car wouldn't perhaps benefit from having fully comprehensive insurance and a brand new car of course would require that you did insure it for fully comprehensive.
Fully comprehensive is the dearest type of car insurance but again a motor insurance broker will be able to get you the cheapest quote if this is the type of insurance that you want or need. It will cover against damage to yours and any third party's car and also includes fire and theft insurance. The majority of policies also include medical and health insurance.
Third party fire and theft will protect your car against damage by fire and if it stolen and also for others claiming against you if you should be involved in an accident.
Third party insurance only will cover against others claiming against you if you should be in an accident and is the cheapest form of car insurance. However, any damage caused to your vehicle by yourself will not be covered by third party insurance nor third party, fire and theft cover.
Checking out motor insurance brokers is the best way to get the cheapest deals on your car insurance as they are the experts and instinctively know where to look when it comes to getting the cheapest deals. If you want to help cut down the cost of your car insurance before applying for the quotes then install such features as car alarms, immobilizers and take advanced driving lessons, all of these can help to reduce your quotes with a motor insurance broker.
car insurance,
motor insurance
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Online Savings Can be Made For Motor Insurance
The internet has revolutionised the way we do things and buying car insurance online is no different. With three types of motor insurance to choose from you, by using the power of the web, you are able to get the policy that suits your needs.
You can compare premiums and policy benefits online - or allow a specialist broker to do it on your behalf. It certainly is a lot easier than ringing lots of insurers or traipsing up and down the High Street looking for that great motor insurance deal.
So, what do you need to know when considering car insurance? Well, first, there are three types.
Fully comprehensive insurance protects your vehicle for accidents caused by you as well as damage to the other vehicle and any third party. Because of the protection given, it does cost more than the other policies. Third party fire and theft (TPFT) would allow you to claim if your car was stolen or damaged by fire as well as covering any damage or injury to a third party or their vehicle. While third party only is the cheapest cover and does what it says on the tin. It provides no protection whatsoever for your vehicle.
Why do you need insurance?
A lack of motor insurance means many problems, the least of which would be having to find the money for any repairs. You would have to face the consequences of driving on the roads in the UK without cover. Having car insurance in place would stop all this.
You would not have to pay out of your own pocket with insurance and you would not have to face the consequences of not being insured. Your policy could cover such as theft, fire, legal and medical costs as a result of an accident.
A specialist car insurance website will look across a broad range of UK insurance companies and then present you with the some motor insurance options which could lead to the cheapest deal.
Getting cheaper cover
You can influence how much insurance you pay by employing a few tips:
all insurance providers will ask you to pay so much excess. However if you offer to pay more then you are able to cut down the cost of the premiums
fitting extra security measures such as a steering wheel lock, immobilising your car and even keeping it in a garage rather than on the side of the road can all go towards lowering your insurance
never just renew your insurance each year when the policy needs paying again. Chances are the policy is not the cheapest you could get this year, so look around and compare again.
Remember that when buying your motor cover, policy features and benefits do need comparing for what is included. They can differ and some insurance companies might offer a better deal than others for the same cost.
In a nutshell, to get the best deal on motor insurance use the internet not only as a way of getting the cheapest quotes but also to find out as much as possible for making savings and what to look for in a policy.
You can compare premiums and policy benefits online - or allow a specialist broker to do it on your behalf. It certainly is a lot easier than ringing lots of insurers or traipsing up and down the High Street looking for that great motor insurance deal.
So, what do you need to know when considering car insurance? Well, first, there are three types.
Fully comprehensive insurance protects your vehicle for accidents caused by you as well as damage to the other vehicle and any third party. Because of the protection given, it does cost more than the other policies. Third party fire and theft (TPFT) would allow you to claim if your car was stolen or damaged by fire as well as covering any damage or injury to a third party or their vehicle. While third party only is the cheapest cover and does what it says on the tin. It provides no protection whatsoever for your vehicle.
Why do you need insurance?
A lack of motor insurance means many problems, the least of which would be having to find the money for any repairs. You would have to face the consequences of driving on the roads in the UK without cover. Having car insurance in place would stop all this.
You would not have to pay out of your own pocket with insurance and you would not have to face the consequences of not being insured. Your policy could cover such as theft, fire, legal and medical costs as a result of an accident.
A specialist car insurance website will look across a broad range of UK insurance companies and then present you with the some motor insurance options which could lead to the cheapest deal.
Getting cheaper cover
You can influence how much insurance you pay by employing a few tips:
all insurance providers will ask you to pay so much excess. However if you offer to pay more then you are able to cut down the cost of the premiums
fitting extra security measures such as a steering wheel lock, immobilising your car and even keeping it in a garage rather than on the side of the road can all go towards lowering your insurance
never just renew your insurance each year when the policy needs paying again. Chances are the policy is not the cheapest you could get this year, so look around and compare again.
Remember that when buying your motor cover, policy features and benefits do need comparing for what is included. They can differ and some insurance companies might offer a better deal than others for the same cost.
In a nutshell, to get the best deal on motor insurance use the internet not only as a way of getting the cheapest quotes but also to find out as much as possible for making savings and what to look for in a policy.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Motor Insurance On Two Wheels
You may be dreaming of buying a motorcycle, and the dream usually starts with you revving up the engine, strapping on a helmet and then taking out your new bike on a nice, sunny summer day. You probably don’t include motor insurance in these plans, but it is definitely something that you should think about before putting down a down payment for a new motorcycle.
Motor insurance for a motorcycle can be expensive. The reason that it is so expensive is that riding a motorcycle is considered to be more dangerous than driving a car. Sure, it doesn’t have to be dangerous, but the insurance agency probably doesn’t know what kind of driver you are when they issue the motor insurance quotes to you. You could be one of those drivers that weaves in and out of stopped traffic and races along the side of the road at sixty miles per hour, or you could be the type of driver that takes every precaution necessary, never rides without a jacket and helmet and has years of experience.
To get cheap motor insurance, one place to look is with the company that sells you the motor insurance for your car. If you insure both vehicles at the same time, there is a good chance that you will be able to snag a discount. In addition to asking at your motor insurance company, make sure to get motor insurance quotes from other companies as well.
Cheap motor insurance for a bike is possible, especially if you live in a climate that has real winters. You will only have to insure your motorcycle for half the year, and the other half of the year, you can just get a storage insurance policy for it. This will save a lot of money for you, so make sure that you ask your insurance agency to give you some motor insurance quotes based on a full year of coverage and some based on a partial year of insurance. You will notice a difference in prices, and you probably don’t want to ride your motorcycle in the middle of the winter anyway.
Motorcycles are often seen as being dangerous, but if they are ridden properly, they can be a dream come true. If you are thinking about getting a motorcycle, remember that your motor insurance is going to be a lot cheaper if you take defensive driving courses or special classes for motorcycle drivers. Not only will these classes save you money, but they may also just save your life.
Motor insurance doesn’t have to be expensive. After getting a cheap motor insurance policy, you will enjoy the wind blowing through your hair and the speed and power of a motorcycle as you drive around town. Sure, you may have to shop around, and get more than one motor insurance company to give you a quote, but if you can afford a nice motorcycle, you may want to make sure that you are properly insured and that your investment is going to be protected if something happens.
Motor insurance for a motorcycle can be expensive. The reason that it is so expensive is that riding a motorcycle is considered to be more dangerous than driving a car. Sure, it doesn’t have to be dangerous, but the insurance agency probably doesn’t know what kind of driver you are when they issue the motor insurance quotes to you. You could be one of those drivers that weaves in and out of stopped traffic and races along the side of the road at sixty miles per hour, or you could be the type of driver that takes every precaution necessary, never rides without a jacket and helmet and has years of experience.
To get cheap motor insurance, one place to look is with the company that sells you the motor insurance for your car. If you insure both vehicles at the same time, there is a good chance that you will be able to snag a discount. In addition to asking at your motor insurance company, make sure to get motor insurance quotes from other companies as well.
Cheap motor insurance for a bike is possible, especially if you live in a climate that has real winters. You will only have to insure your motorcycle for half the year, and the other half of the year, you can just get a storage insurance policy for it. This will save a lot of money for you, so make sure that you ask your insurance agency to give you some motor insurance quotes based on a full year of coverage and some based on a partial year of insurance. You will notice a difference in prices, and you probably don’t want to ride your motorcycle in the middle of the winter anyway.
Motorcycles are often seen as being dangerous, but if they are ridden properly, they can be a dream come true. If you are thinking about getting a motorcycle, remember that your motor insurance is going to be a lot cheaper if you take defensive driving courses or special classes for motorcycle drivers. Not only will these classes save you money, but they may also just save your life.
Motor insurance doesn’t have to be expensive. After getting a cheap motor insurance policy, you will enjoy the wind blowing through your hair and the speed and power of a motorcycle as you drive around town. Sure, you may have to shop around, and get more than one motor insurance company to give you a quote, but if you can afford a nice motorcycle, you may want to make sure that you are properly insured and that your investment is going to be protected if something happens.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Motor Trader Insurance – 4 Reasons How Insurance Brokers Can Help Your Business
Before we start to look at why using an insurance broker could be the perfect way to buy your Motor Trader Insurance let’s start off with a few supposed truths about the insurance industry.
Number 1 – Let’s be honest from the beginning and just say it – most people don’t like insurance. For most people losses rarely occur and therefore they are paying out insurance premiums year on year and yet they don’t actually see any real benefit of it.
Number 2 – Most people (even those who have suffered a loss and have made a claim) see insurance as too expensive with actual insurance companies seen as money grabbing and having no purpose other than to make money.
Number 3 – People see insurance as either boring and sold by men in suits or sold using annoying advertising on the television promising cheap or the cheapest insurance and delivering call centres who seemingly have replaced customer service with queues and staff who don’t really know what they are talking about.
If you’re a Motor Trader who needs to purchase Motor Trade Insurance and any of the 3 points above ring a bell with you then you really need to read on and discover just 4 reasons why using an insurance broker could be just what you need when you next buy your business insurance.
The first reason for using an insurance broker is that they can save you time. Yes you could spend time trawling the internet, thumbing through the yellow pages or ringing around a selection of insurance companies but you could also contact just 1 insurance broker and let them do the work for you. As a motor trader I’m sure you’re time could be put to better use elsewhere anyway.
The second reason why you might want to use an insurance broker when purchasing motor trader insurance is that providing they are independent (that is they have access to more than one policy) they can search to find you the very best cover. Cover that in some cases isn’t available anywhere else.
Another reason for choosing an insurance broker is that they can very often provide you with a level of service that you won’t find elsewhere. Go direct with an insurance company and there’s every chance you’ll be faced with queues, call centres and people without a real understanding of your needs. However choose the right insurance broker who understands the motor trade and you can benefit from advice and guidance aimed at reducing your exposure to risk. And in the event of a loss occurring they will even act on your behalf to make sure your claim is settled quickly and favourably.
The fourth and final reason why using an insurance broker could be just what you need when buying motor trade insurance is that they could save you money and we’d all no doubt like to be paying less for our insurance. A good broker will therefore be able to take advantage of the facilities they have with the leading insurance companies so you benefit from the cover, the service, the time savings and the premium savings all from the same source.
Motor Trade Insurance doesn’t have to complicated or expensive so find the right broker and make sure the price is right for your Business Insurance.
Number 1 – Let’s be honest from the beginning and just say it – most people don’t like insurance. For most people losses rarely occur and therefore they are paying out insurance premiums year on year and yet they don’t actually see any real benefit of it.
Number 2 – Most people (even those who have suffered a loss and have made a claim) see insurance as too expensive with actual insurance companies seen as money grabbing and having no purpose other than to make money.
Number 3 – People see insurance as either boring and sold by men in suits or sold using annoying advertising on the television promising cheap or the cheapest insurance and delivering call centres who seemingly have replaced customer service with queues and staff who don’t really know what they are talking about.
If you’re a Motor Trader who needs to purchase Motor Trade Insurance and any of the 3 points above ring a bell with you then you really need to read on and discover just 4 reasons why using an insurance broker could be just what you need when you next buy your business insurance.
The first reason for using an insurance broker is that they can save you time. Yes you could spend time trawling the internet, thumbing through the yellow pages or ringing around a selection of insurance companies but you could also contact just 1 insurance broker and let them do the work for you. As a motor trader I’m sure you’re time could be put to better use elsewhere anyway.
The second reason why you might want to use an insurance broker when purchasing motor trader insurance is that providing they are independent (that is they have access to more than one policy) they can search to find you the very best cover. Cover that in some cases isn’t available anywhere else.
Another reason for choosing an insurance broker is that they can very often provide you with a level of service that you won’t find elsewhere. Go direct with an insurance company and there’s every chance you’ll be faced with queues, call centres and people without a real understanding of your needs. However choose the right insurance broker who understands the motor trade and you can benefit from advice and guidance aimed at reducing your exposure to risk. And in the event of a loss occurring they will even act on your behalf to make sure your claim is settled quickly and favourably.
The fourth and final reason why using an insurance broker could be just what you need when buying motor trade insurance is that they could save you money and we’d all no doubt like to be paying less for our insurance. A good broker will therefore be able to take advantage of the facilities they have with the leading insurance companies so you benefit from the cover, the service, the time savings and the premium savings all from the same source.
Motor Trade Insurance doesn’t have to complicated or expensive so find the right broker and make sure the price is right for your Business Insurance.
motor trader insurance
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Getting The Best Motor Insurance Quotes
If you are looking to get the best motor insurance quotes then there are a number of things that you will need to take into account. Different factors will affect the quote that you receive and it is possible to change certain things in order to get a better quote.
How is it Possible to get the Best Motor Insurance Quotes?
In order to get the best motor insurance quotes you have to understand exactly what it is that affects your insurance. Generally the following factors make a difference to the quote that you will receive:
Make and Model of Vehicle
Now obviously some things mentioned above you cannot change. Your age will make a difference because the younger the driver, the less experience they will have and so the insurance will reflect this. However there are things that you can do to lower your insurance quote.
Insurance brokers like drivers who keep themselves and their car as safe as possible. So if you keep your car in a garage that is likely to lower your insurance quote. Keeping it in the garage will protect it from the weather which will prevent issues such as rust. It will also help to ensure that the car is harder to steal which means that you are less likely to claim on your insurance for theft. Other safety devices such as an alarm fitted in the car and a wheel lock may also help you to get the best motor insurance quotes too.
Another factor that will affect your quote is the make and model of your vehicle. Sportier cars generally cost more on insurance, as do classic cars. So if you have not yet chosen which vehicle you would like to own, it would be a good idea to research the typical insurance costs for that vehicle before you purchase it. You could save a lot of money just by looking at different, more insurance friendly cars.
The amount of miles that you do on average each year will affect how high your quote is. The fewer miles you drive, the lower your quote will be. Obviously the less you drive, the lower the chance of you getting into a car accident. Your insurance will reflect this and so if you could cut down your mileage your quote can be lowered.
What gender you are will also affect your insurance. On average female drivers get lower insurance quotes because they are seen to be safer drivers. Statistically men get into more motor accidents than women and so their insurance quotes are usually higher to reflect this. Of course there are specialist companies who cater only to females and those are the ones you should apply to if you are a female driver.
Overall using a specialist insurance broker may help you to receive the best insurance quote possible as they do all of the work for you. No matter whom you are or what your circumstances, the broker will be able to find the best insurance to suit your needs. So if you are looking to get the best motor insurance quotes then using an insurance broker may be a good option.
How is it Possible to get the Best Motor Insurance Quotes?
In order to get the best motor insurance quotes you have to understand exactly what it is that affects your insurance. Generally the following factors make a difference to the quote that you will receive:
Make and Model of Vehicle
Now obviously some things mentioned above you cannot change. Your age will make a difference because the younger the driver, the less experience they will have and so the insurance will reflect this. However there are things that you can do to lower your insurance quote.
Insurance brokers like drivers who keep themselves and their car as safe as possible. So if you keep your car in a garage that is likely to lower your insurance quote. Keeping it in the garage will protect it from the weather which will prevent issues such as rust. It will also help to ensure that the car is harder to steal which means that you are less likely to claim on your insurance for theft. Other safety devices such as an alarm fitted in the car and a wheel lock may also help you to get the best motor insurance quotes too.
Another factor that will affect your quote is the make and model of your vehicle. Sportier cars generally cost more on insurance, as do classic cars. So if you have not yet chosen which vehicle you would like to own, it would be a good idea to research the typical insurance costs for that vehicle before you purchase it. You could save a lot of money just by looking at different, more insurance friendly cars.
The amount of miles that you do on average each year will affect how high your quote is. The fewer miles you drive, the lower your quote will be. Obviously the less you drive, the lower the chance of you getting into a car accident. Your insurance will reflect this and so if you could cut down your mileage your quote can be lowered.
What gender you are will also affect your insurance. On average female drivers get lower insurance quotes because they are seen to be safer drivers. Statistically men get into more motor accidents than women and so their insurance quotes are usually higher to reflect this. Of course there are specialist companies who cater only to females and those are the ones you should apply to if you are a female driver.
Overall using a specialist insurance broker may help you to receive the best insurance quote possible as they do all of the work for you. No matter whom you are or what your circumstances, the broker will be able to find the best insurance to suit your needs. So if you are looking to get the best motor insurance quotes then using an insurance broker may be a good option.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Motor Insurance: for the Sake of Security
The motor insurance
is actually necessary in the present times as it gives you a lot of benefits, enabling you to drive safely to destination, without worrying about its breaking down. Like all other insurances, motor insurance offer you a good help if you have a foot of a wanderer and your car accompanies you to your trips.
A motor insurance provides a cover that includes the repair of your vehicle while it breaks down during your journey. Also, it makes sure that you are given a substitute automobile or a car hire till the time your car is getting overhauled. So having car insurance would indeed make things easier for you and your vehicle.
One cannot foresee mishappenings, so it is better to prepare yourself for them. In the modern world, motor insurance has been really instrumental in making our lives better. If your car is stolen or you have lost the keys to your car, the car insurance agents would assist you during all adversities. Also, in the case of theft, you can easily claim the insurance amount and can compensate the loss to a certain extent.
The break down cover helps you 24/7 and the area can be UK or some parts of Europe. You can easily be provided with assistance if you face any difficulty with your car within the prescribed area. The helpline team is very supportive and you can summon them at your will.
If you are keen on taking a Motor Insurance scheme, then, you can get a good discount on buying your insurance scheme online. Some insurance companies also give you a discount on the second motor insurance, if you already have taken a motor insurance beforehand.
So, buying a motor insurance is the best gift that you can give to your car and also to yourself.
is actually necessary in the present times as it gives you a lot of benefits, enabling you to drive safely to destination, without worrying about its breaking down. Like all other insurances, motor insurance offer you a good help if you have a foot of a wanderer and your car accompanies you to your trips.
A motor insurance provides a cover that includes the repair of your vehicle while it breaks down during your journey. Also, it makes sure that you are given a substitute automobile or a car hire till the time your car is getting overhauled. So having car insurance would indeed make things easier for you and your vehicle.
One cannot foresee mishappenings, so it is better to prepare yourself for them. In the modern world, motor insurance has been really instrumental in making our lives better. If your car is stolen or you have lost the keys to your car, the car insurance agents would assist you during all adversities. Also, in the case of theft, you can easily claim the insurance amount and can compensate the loss to a certain extent.
The break down cover helps you 24/7 and the area can be UK or some parts of Europe. You can easily be provided with assistance if you face any difficulty with your car within the prescribed area. The helpline team is very supportive and you can summon them at your will.
If you are keen on taking a Motor Insurance scheme, then, you can get a good discount on buying your insurance scheme online. Some insurance companies also give you a discount on the second motor insurance, if you already have taken a motor insurance beforehand.
So, buying a motor insurance is the best gift that you can give to your car and also to yourself.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
What Are Motor Insurance Brokers?
What do motor insurance brokers do? They take on the role of an intermediary between the client looking for motor insurance and the insurance company that provides it. From the client's point of view, it can be an especially useful and rewarding relationship since the broker's experience and knowledge of the motor insurance market ensures not only that the most appropriate type of insurance is found, but that it also represents the best value for money.
One of the most reassuring features of the insurance broker's role is that it is an entirely independent one. The independent insurance broker is not tied to a particular insurer or even a selected panel of insurers, but can genuinely - and independently - recommend to his or her clients. Because they are not agents tied in to any vested interest, such brokers can establish precisely the insurance needs of a particular client and trawl through a huge range of potential providers to find the perfect match - both in terms of the insurance cover provided and the price.
But finding the most appropriate insurer is just the beginning of the broker's job. There is an ongoing relationship between client and broker that enables the latter to:
- Anticipate future insurance needs, such as scheduling renewals of the policy;
- Offering specialist advice if the insurance needs are more complex - whether the complexities arise because of the driver's personal circumstances or because of the particular type of vehicle involved;
- Advising on ways of mitigating some of the risks involved in motor insurance - for example, by installing security devices to protect the car from theft or by advising on the most appropriate level of excess for the client to take on, and so reduce the amount paid in insurance premiums;
- Amending the current insurance policy - if you change your car or want a further vehicle added to the existing insurance, for example;
- Providing advice in the event of an accident, or other loss or damage to the car, that gives rise for the need to make a claim under the policy;
- Collecting the premiums due on the insurance policy.
In other words, there is a whole lot more to the insurance broker's role than simply selling the customer the motor insurance policy in the first place. With so many different providers of motor insurance, a broker can play an indispensable role in ensuring that his or her clients buy an essential product not only at a competitive price, but also in the comfort and knowledge that the insurance will perform exactly as intended if and when the time comes to make a claim.
The time for making a claim is often the moment when a particular insurance policy is really put to the test - when you can truly measure the value of what your premiums have been paying towards. Far better, then, to have had the motor insurance broker's input from the very outset, rather than discovering an unpleasant surprise when the cover you thought you had actually fails to live up to its promise.
One of the most reassuring features of the insurance broker's role is that it is an entirely independent one. The independent insurance broker is not tied to a particular insurer or even a selected panel of insurers, but can genuinely - and independently - recommend to his or her clients. Because they are not agents tied in to any vested interest, such brokers can establish precisely the insurance needs of a particular client and trawl through a huge range of potential providers to find the perfect match - both in terms of the insurance cover provided and the price.
But finding the most appropriate insurer is just the beginning of the broker's job. There is an ongoing relationship between client and broker that enables the latter to:
- Anticipate future insurance needs, such as scheduling renewals of the policy;
- Offering specialist advice if the insurance needs are more complex - whether the complexities arise because of the driver's personal circumstances or because of the particular type of vehicle involved;
- Advising on ways of mitigating some of the risks involved in motor insurance - for example, by installing security devices to protect the car from theft or by advising on the most appropriate level of excess for the client to take on, and so reduce the amount paid in insurance premiums;
- Amending the current insurance policy - if you change your car or want a further vehicle added to the existing insurance, for example;
- Providing advice in the event of an accident, or other loss or damage to the car, that gives rise for the need to make a claim under the policy;
- Collecting the premiums due on the insurance policy.
In other words, there is a whole lot more to the insurance broker's role than simply selling the customer the motor insurance policy in the first place. With so many different providers of motor insurance, a broker can play an indispensable role in ensuring that his or her clients buy an essential product not only at a competitive price, but also in the comfort and knowledge that the insurance will perform exactly as intended if and when the time comes to make a claim.
The time for making a claim is often the moment when a particular insurance policy is really put to the test - when you can truly measure the value of what your premiums have been paying towards. Far better, then, to have had the motor insurance broker's input from the very outset, rather than discovering an unpleasant surprise when the cover you thought you had actually fails to live up to its promise.
Friday, 6 March 2009
Motor Insurers Bureau Compensation Claims
Claims going through the UK Motor Insurers Bureau is similar to making a normal claim. Your case will be reviewed by the ruling judge and a decision is then made in regards to liability and how much compensation you should be awarded which will be paid by the UK Motor Insurers Bureau.
MIB was established in 1946 as a private company limited by guarantee for the purpose of entering into Agreements with the Government to compensate the victims of negligent uninsured and untraced motorists. Every insurer underwriting compulsory motor insurance is obliged, by virtue of the Road Traffic Act 1988, to be a member of MIB and to contribute to its funding
The MIB can give compensation to someone who is involved in a motor accident caused by an uninsured driver or untraced driver. If the driver was uninsured, the MIB can pay compensation for personal injury or death and/or damage to property. If the driver has not been traced, the MIB will consider claims for damage to personal property providing the vehicle can be identified.
Normally, the UK Motor Insurers Bureau will make a payment for both your vehicle and any personal injury suffered by yourself. This may also cover loss of earnings and medical expenses, pain, distress and suffering - all covered by the UK Motor Insurers Bureau
Simon Machell, MIB chairman and the director of customer services at Norwich Union, said: "Currently, the fines for having no insurance are often a fraction of the cost of insurance and so some motorists are willing to risk getting caught and fined. But stricter penalties need to be combined with better enforcement and wider use of an improved Motor Insurance Database."
Scenarios can normally be split into 2 categories
Untraced Motorist - Hit & Run
This is where the other driver cannot be traced. However, in certain circumstances a claim still be made. You should waste absolutely no time in seeking legal advice to get a claim on the way to protect your position.
Uninsured Motorist
This is where the person who you have had an accident with is not covered by any kind of insurance. If it transpires that the driver responsible for the accident is uninsured, you can make a claim to the Motor Insurers Bureau. As long as they can be satisfied that the uninsured motorist is to blame, your claims will be dealt with as would any other claim. The only exception is that they will not pay the first ?300.00 toward any claim which does not have an injury.
MIB was established in 1946 as a private company limited by guarantee for the purpose of entering into Agreements with the Government to compensate the victims of negligent uninsured and untraced motorists. Every insurer underwriting compulsory motor insurance is obliged, by virtue of the Road Traffic Act 1988, to be a member of MIB and to contribute to its funding
The MIB can give compensation to someone who is involved in a motor accident caused by an uninsured driver or untraced driver. If the driver was uninsured, the MIB can pay compensation for personal injury or death and/or damage to property. If the driver has not been traced, the MIB will consider claims for damage to personal property providing the vehicle can be identified.
Normally, the UK Motor Insurers Bureau will make a payment for both your vehicle and any personal injury suffered by yourself. This may also cover loss of earnings and medical expenses, pain, distress and suffering - all covered by the UK Motor Insurers Bureau
Simon Machell, MIB chairman and the director of customer services at Norwich Union, said: "Currently, the fines for having no insurance are often a fraction of the cost of insurance and so some motorists are willing to risk getting caught and fined. But stricter penalties need to be combined with better enforcement and wider use of an improved Motor Insurance Database."
Scenarios can normally be split into 2 categories
Untraced Motorist - Hit & Run
This is where the other driver cannot be traced. However, in certain circumstances a claim still be made. You should waste absolutely no time in seeking legal advice to get a claim on the way to protect your position.
Uninsured Motorist
This is where the person who you have had an accident with is not covered by any kind of insurance. If it transpires that the driver responsible for the accident is uninsured, you can make a claim to the Motor Insurers Bureau. As long as they can be satisfied that the uninsured motorist is to blame, your claims will be dealt with as would any other claim. The only exception is that they will not pay the first ?300.00 toward any claim which does not have an injury.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Best Motor Insurance Quotes
Put at its very simplest, the best motor insurance quotes are not always the cheapest quotes. Like many consumer choices, paying the lowest available price can prove an expensive false economy, landing you with a product that lets you down when you need it the most. With a financial services product like motor insurance, being let down by your insurance cover can be costly indeed.
The "best", therefore, will be not so much a question of the cheapest motor insurance available, but the best value for money. That also sounds a fairly straight forward business, of course, until you realise that there are over a hundred insurance providers all offering a range of different insurance packages for your car. Choosing the best motor insurance quotes, therefore, will depend on your selecting the package that includes all the features - and only those features - that you actually want.
If your preference is for basic third party or third party, fire and theft cover, then your choice is relatively simple. There will be little variation between what is offered by competing products and it should be possible to be guided by the question of price.
Comprehensive insurance policies, however, can offer a quite bewildering array of both fundamental core features and a range of optional extras. One of the most popular, for example, is the provision of a courtesy car if your own is involved in an accident and needs to go into the garage for repairs. Arrangements vary from insurer to insurer and are typically limited by the requirement that repairs are carried out by an insurer-approved repairer. In any event, this service is something that the customer will be paying for by way of a slightly higher premium, so it is important that the cost is taken into account when comparing insurance quotes.
A further variable - that will have an effect on the insurance quote - is the level of compulsory excess attached to any claim under the motor policy. This is the sum that the policy holder will have to bear him or herself in the event of any claim. Once again, different insurers will apply not only different levels of compulsory excess, but also offer various levels of voluntary excess. Clearly, the greater the level of risk taken on by the policy holder him or herself - in the form of a higher excess - the less there will be for the insurer to bear and, hence, the lower the insurance premium that can be offered.
The best motor insurance quotes will also recognise the car owner's own efforts to mitigate any risk of loss or damage to the insured vehicle. For example, does the insurance quote take into account any security alarms or immobilising devices you have fitted to your car as deterrents against theft or vandalism?
In summary, therefore, the best motor insurance quotes will take a lot more into account than simply the price of the premiums - although this will, of course, continue to play an important part in sorting out the best from the worst. Furthermore, if you are having difficulty disentangling all the elements of the packages offered by various quotes, it is always possible to seek the professional, expert advice of an insurance adviser.
The "best", therefore, will be not so much a question of the cheapest motor insurance available, but the best value for money. That also sounds a fairly straight forward business, of course, until you realise that there are over a hundred insurance providers all offering a range of different insurance packages for your car. Choosing the best motor insurance quotes, therefore, will depend on your selecting the package that includes all the features - and only those features - that you actually want.
If your preference is for basic third party or third party, fire and theft cover, then your choice is relatively simple. There will be little variation between what is offered by competing products and it should be possible to be guided by the question of price.
Comprehensive insurance policies, however, can offer a quite bewildering array of both fundamental core features and a range of optional extras. One of the most popular, for example, is the provision of a courtesy car if your own is involved in an accident and needs to go into the garage for repairs. Arrangements vary from insurer to insurer and are typically limited by the requirement that repairs are carried out by an insurer-approved repairer. In any event, this service is something that the customer will be paying for by way of a slightly higher premium, so it is important that the cost is taken into account when comparing insurance quotes.
A further variable - that will have an effect on the insurance quote - is the level of compulsory excess attached to any claim under the motor policy. This is the sum that the policy holder will have to bear him or herself in the event of any claim. Once again, different insurers will apply not only different levels of compulsory excess, but also offer various levels of voluntary excess. Clearly, the greater the level of risk taken on by the policy holder him or herself - in the form of a higher excess - the less there will be for the insurer to bear and, hence, the lower the insurance premium that can be offered.
The best motor insurance quotes will also recognise the car owner's own efforts to mitigate any risk of loss or damage to the insured vehicle. For example, does the insurance quote take into account any security alarms or immobilising devices you have fitted to your car as deterrents against theft or vandalism?
In summary, therefore, the best motor insurance quotes will take a lot more into account than simply the price of the premiums - although this will, of course, continue to play an important part in sorting out the best from the worst. Furthermore, if you are having difficulty disentangling all the elements of the packages offered by various quotes, it is always possible to seek the professional, expert advice of an insurance adviser.
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Want Fast Motor Insurance For Drunk Drivers - Find The Right Package
This short report aims to assist you in getting lower premiums. A few methods exist to assist you in lowering your motor insurance for drunk drivers yearly costs. Some involve finding the right companies to get quotes from although other methods take place over a longer period and take some time to reduce the price of your cover. Some of the methods will not work for you but if you a searching for motor insurance for drunk drivers we are sure that you will learn some important nuggets of information.
Subjects that this report will present are how to pay for your premium, types of cover, motoring club discounts just to name some of the topics.
Tip I Are named drivers required? The costs of naming a driver that is not your common law partner or spouse varies between 10 to 20 percent. If the drivers are younger than 25 years old then the costs will be much higher. The trick is to name only those that will actually drive. Sometimes if the person you need to name has their own vehicle they will have the driving other cars extension anyway so could drive you motor on a third party only basis. Depending on the value of your vehicle third party cover may be satisfactory or not. Instead of naming a driver permanently you can add them temporarily part way through your insurance year.
Tip II The best way to pay! The best way to pay for your car insurance is to pay with a one off payment. Unfortunately one way in which brokers and direct insurers make extra profit on motor insurance for drunk drivers by charging interest for direct debit payments. Paying in one lump is not always possible so if not then pay in one lump on your credit card. In most cases the APR on the credit card is less than that of the insurance provider.
Tip III Drive a smaller car - Big engines are harder to control and cost more to replace so driving a car of this kind costs more to insure. One way then to reduce the costs of your motor insurance for drunk drivers is to find a low insurance group car.
Tip IV Do not fall for high pressure sales tactics! Once your insurance renewal comes through start to shop around for quotes, don't leave it too late. Make a list and ring or submit your details online to a minimum of 4 motor insurers. Price comparison sites can be used to pick the most competitive brokers or direct insurers. Although price is important so are other factors it is important to write the features down and compare them along with the prices.
Tip V Advanced driving! You may also get a premium reduction of your motor insurance for drunk drivers is by taking extra driving tuition. If you are a new driver then the pass plus is a good way to reduce your insurance costs. Lots of insurers now give substantial discounts if first time drivers have the pass plus. Topics the course covers are all weather driving, driving on dual carriage ways and driving out of town. Other courses that can help older drivers are the IAM institute of advanced motorists or the and ROSPA.
What are the next steps?
Once you have completed the suitable tips from above read on. For motor insurance for drunk drivers we recommend you visit this site Young Learner Drivers Car Insurance
Damian is the owner of many finance related websites. Including mortgage, loans and debt advice. For more information visit
Subjects that this report will present are how to pay for your premium, types of cover, motoring club discounts just to name some of the topics.
Tip I Are named drivers required? The costs of naming a driver that is not your common law partner or spouse varies between 10 to 20 percent. If the drivers are younger than 25 years old then the costs will be much higher. The trick is to name only those that will actually drive. Sometimes if the person you need to name has their own vehicle they will have the driving other cars extension anyway so could drive you motor on a third party only basis. Depending on the value of your vehicle third party cover may be satisfactory or not. Instead of naming a driver permanently you can add them temporarily part way through your insurance year.
Tip II The best way to pay! The best way to pay for your car insurance is to pay with a one off payment. Unfortunately one way in which brokers and direct insurers make extra profit on motor insurance for drunk drivers by charging interest for direct debit payments. Paying in one lump is not always possible so if not then pay in one lump on your credit card. In most cases the APR on the credit card is less than that of the insurance provider.
Tip III Drive a smaller car - Big engines are harder to control and cost more to replace so driving a car of this kind costs more to insure. One way then to reduce the costs of your motor insurance for drunk drivers is to find a low insurance group car.
Tip IV Do not fall for high pressure sales tactics! Once your insurance renewal comes through start to shop around for quotes, don't leave it too late. Make a list and ring or submit your details online to a minimum of 4 motor insurers. Price comparison sites can be used to pick the most competitive brokers or direct insurers. Although price is important so are other factors it is important to write the features down and compare them along with the prices.
Tip V Advanced driving! You may also get a premium reduction of your motor insurance for drunk drivers is by taking extra driving tuition. If you are a new driver then the pass plus is a good way to reduce your insurance costs. Lots of insurers now give substantial discounts if first time drivers have the pass plus. Topics the course covers are all weather driving, driving on dual carriage ways and driving out of town. Other courses that can help older drivers are the IAM institute of advanced motorists or the and ROSPA.
What are the next steps?
Once you have completed the suitable tips from above read on. For motor insurance for drunk drivers we recommend you visit this site Young Learner Drivers Car Insurance
Damian is the owner of many finance related websites. Including mortgage, loans and debt advice. For more information visit
Monday, 23 February 2009
Cheap Motor Insurance - For Women and Men
When shopping for cheap motor insurance people tend to miss some of the important steps needed to get lower rates. Missing one of these item will not get you the cheap auto insurance rate that you are looking for. I hope to give you at least one thing that you can do to lower your insurance rate.
Most people don't take into consideration of the car that they have before looking for cheap motor insurance. Believe me having the right car will make or break your rate that you get. Always check out the motor insurance rate on the car you are going to buy or have. If the rate is too high for the car you are looking at, see if there is another one that is close to the one you want that will get you that cheap motor insurance.
The reason that the car you buy is important is because insurance companies have a database that shows them which cars are expensive to repair and how much damage they will incur in a car crash. Also,insurance companies know which cars are more prone to be stolen over others. The more expensive the car is the cost of repair will also go up and some way up. Cheap motor insurance can be obtained if you choose your car very carefully.
Where you park your car is important also. You can purchase cheaper motor insurance if your car is parked in a garage at night instead of being left out on the street. If you have to park your car in the street make sure that the area is well lighted. This will help to get you cheap motor insurance.
Also, lets don't forget your driving record. If you have a clean record then your chance of getting that cheap auto insurance increases a lot. If you have speeding tickets then your chance of low rates really decreases. High speeding equals to bigger crashes and reckless driving which insurance companies frown on. So keep your driving record clean to obtain those cheap auto insurance rates.
Where you shop for your insurance is also a factor. Be sure and compare quotes between different insurance companies for cheap motor insurance. Don't just check with one and leave it at that. Shop around and you will be able to save money. cheap auto insurance is possible if you do your homework.
Most people don't take into consideration of the car that they have before looking for cheap motor insurance. Believe me having the right car will make or break your rate that you get. Always check out the motor insurance rate on the car you are going to buy or have. If the rate is too high for the car you are looking at, see if there is another one that is close to the one you want that will get you that cheap motor insurance.
The reason that the car you buy is important is because insurance companies have a database that shows them which cars are expensive to repair and how much damage they will incur in a car crash. Also,insurance companies know which cars are more prone to be stolen over others. The more expensive the car is the cost of repair will also go up and some way up. Cheap motor insurance can be obtained if you choose your car very carefully.
Where you park your car is important also. You can purchase cheaper motor insurance if your car is parked in a garage at night instead of being left out on the street. If you have to park your car in the street make sure that the area is well lighted. This will help to get you cheap motor insurance.
Also, lets don't forget your driving record. If you have a clean record then your chance of getting that cheap auto insurance increases a lot. If you have speeding tickets then your chance of low rates really decreases. High speeding equals to bigger crashes and reckless driving which insurance companies frown on. So keep your driving record clean to obtain those cheap auto insurance rates.
Where you shop for your insurance is also a factor. Be sure and compare quotes between different insurance companies for cheap motor insurance. Don't just check with one and leave it at that. Shop around and you will be able to save money. cheap auto insurance is possible if you do your homework.
Cheap Motor Car Insurance
You know the basics about getting cheap motor car insurance. Drive a safe motor car, and park your motor car in a safe location. Purchase a motor car with anti-lock brakes, air bags, and automatic safety belts. Add certain features to the motor car that might not be present, such as anti-theft systems. Avoid traffic citations and accidents by driving cautiously and obeying the traffic rules, and nurture your driving record. Even purchasing your motor car insurance policy from the same insurance company you purchase another type of insurance policy can help you obtain cheap motor car insurance.
But did you know that making certain changes to your motor car can actually increase your motor car insurance premiums? People who make modifications to their motor cars, such as replacing the engine with one that has more horsepower, adding a spoiler to the motor car, or even changing the color of the motor car sometimes end up paying higher motor car insurance premiums than those people who do not make such modifications.
The drivers who are at the highest risk for having increased motor car insurance premiums due to these types of changes are those drivers who alter motor cars’ appearances as a hobby. While these kinds of motor car modifications may be fun to make and nice to look at, they could end up costing the driver and/or owner of the vehicle more money in the long run.
Think twice before you make any major alternations to your motor car. Unless you have the extra cost to pay the higher motor car insurance premiums, spoilers and flashy paint jobs just aren’t worth the extra dime. Plus, it defeats the purpose of making the extra effort to get cheap motor car insurance – purchasing a safe vehicle, driving in a safe manner, and parking it in a safe place – if you’re just going take on more costs by altering the motor car.
To get free quotes and learn more about insurance please visit the following recommended sites.
Cheap Motor Car Insurance
Home Owner Insurance Quote Oregon
Free Health Insurance Quotes Oklahoma
But did you know that making certain changes to your motor car can actually increase your motor car insurance premiums? People who make modifications to their motor cars, such as replacing the engine with one that has more horsepower, adding a spoiler to the motor car, or even changing the color of the motor car sometimes end up paying higher motor car insurance premiums than those people who do not make such modifications.
The drivers who are at the highest risk for having increased motor car insurance premiums due to these types of changes are those drivers who alter motor cars’ appearances as a hobby. While these kinds of motor car modifications may be fun to make and nice to look at, they could end up costing the driver and/or owner of the vehicle more money in the long run.
Think twice before you make any major alternations to your motor car. Unless you have the extra cost to pay the higher motor car insurance premiums, spoilers and flashy paint jobs just aren’t worth the extra dime. Plus, it defeats the purpose of making the extra effort to get cheap motor car insurance – purchasing a safe vehicle, driving in a safe manner, and parking it in a safe place – if you’re just going take on more costs by altering the motor car.
To get free quotes and learn more about insurance please visit the following recommended sites.
Cheap Motor Car Insurance
Home Owner Insurance Quote Oregon
Free Health Insurance Quotes Oklahoma
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